Lanyue Fang's Fast Robots

A website documenting the Labs of ECE5960-Fast Robots.

About Me

My name is Lanyue Fang. Welcome to my website!

Lab 1: The Artemis board

Setup and become familiar with the Arduino IDE and the Artemis board.

Lab2 Bluetooth

Establish communication between your computer and the Artemis board through the bluetooth stack.

Lab3 TOF and IMU

Equip the robot with sensors - the faster the robot can sample and the more it can trust a sensor reading, the faster it is able to drive..

Lab4 Characterize my car

Know more about the car.

Lab5 Open Loop Control

Change from manual to open loop control of the car.

Lab6 Closed-loop control (PID)

Get experience with PID control!

Lab7 Kalman Filter

Implement a Kalman Filter!

Lab8 Stunts!

Achieve interesting stunts!

Lab9 Mapping(real)

Build up a map of a static room.

Lab10 Simulator

Setup and use the simulation environment.

Lab11 Localization(sim)

Implement grid localization using Bayes filter.

Lab12 Localization on the real robot

Implement grid localization on the actual robot.

Lab13 Planning and execution

Implement path planning and navigation on the actual robot.