Lab5 Open Loop Control

Change from manual to open loop control of the car.

Parts Required

1 x R/C stunt car
1 x SparkFun RedBoard Artemis Nano
1 x USB cable
2 x Li-Ion 3.7V 400 mAh (or more) battery
2 x Dual motor driver

The Connection with Motor Driver

The operating voltage of the DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver ranges from 2.7V to 10.8V. It can diver 1.2A per channel continuously to a pair of DC motors.[1] In this lab, in order to make the motors more powerful, we paralleled the motor inputs and outputs to deliver 2.4 A continuous (4 A peak) to a single motor. The wire connection is shown in the following figure.

AIN1, AIN2 are logic input controls and PWM can be applied to them. I used the analog pins on the Artemis board to generate the PWM signal. A2, A3 for the right motor, while A15, A16 for the left one. To be more specific, when A2 and A16 output PWM waves, the car will move forward. Otherwise, the wheels turn in the opposite direction.

#define LeftFoward A16 
#define LeftBackward A15 
#define RightFoward A2 
#define RightBackward A3 
I use the 650 mAh battery to power the Artemis board and connect an 850 mAh battery to the motor drivers. the grounds of the two batteries are connected. The main reason for using separate batteries is that motors require a lot of energy to run. If the Artemis board and motors share the same battery, the motor will spin all the time once the battery is on, which is entirely inconvenient and we may have no choice but to change the battery frequently. With separate batteries, we are able to test the other parts, such as the ToF sensor, IMU, and Bluetooth, when the car is stationary.

Motor Test

After a call to analogWrite(), the pin will generate a steady rectangular wave of the specified duty cycle until the next call[2]. The default resolution is 8 bits and we can change it to 1 bit or 16 bits by calling analogWriteResolution(). Here, I generated a 50% duty cycle PWM signal, shown in figure below, with 8-bit resolution to the A2 pin.

I tested a single motor with the following code. The motor will spin clockwise for 1 second and then counter-clockwise.

// right motor
analogWrite(RightFoward, 127);// 50% duty cycle w/ 8-bit resolution
analogWrite(RightFoward, 0);// stop

analogWrite(RightBack, 127);
analogWrite(RightBack, 0);

Install Every Thing inside the car chassis

After the successful motor tests, I connected the Qwicc Connection, together with 2 ToF sensors and an IMU sensor, to the Artemis. I put the two motor drivers on the battery box. One ToF sensor is placed at the front of the car, while another is at the right side. IMU is fixed to the side wall, whose y-axis points to the front.

Lower Limit

First, I tried three different analog values, 127, 63 and 31 when the resolution was 8 bits. The duty cycle were 50%, 25%, 12.5% respectively. As shown in the video, the left wheel can't turn when the analog value is 31.

According to my tests, the PWM lower limit of the right motor is 25, which is around 20% duty cycle. As for the left motor, it stops when the analog write value is lower than 42.

Calibration Factor

From the previous test, we can know that the right motor is more powerful. When the same analog values are set for the two motors, the right one will spin faster and the car will shift to the left instead of going straight. Therefore, a calibration factor is necessary. However, the spinning speed of the motor is nonlinear, which means the calibration factor will change with PWM value. As shown in the code, I added a calibration value to the the left motor's analog write value. In the case of 25% duty cycle, I found my car performed best when the factor is 18. I also tested when the analog value of the right motor is 200. In such a situation, the left motor should input 240 instead.

int leftMotorCalibrate;
analogWrite(LeftFoward, PWM+leftMotorCalibrate);
analogWrite(RightFoward, PWM);                                
In the video, we can see that the car is able to move in a straight line for 3 meters with little shift before hitting an obstacle.

Here is a portrait version.

Open Loop Control

In the demo below, the car will go forward and backward, turn right and left in the open-loop control.
Here are the analog values I set for the movements.

PWM Values for Different Movements
Action Left Motor Right Motor
Foward LeftFoward: 63 * calibrate factor RightFoward: 63
Backward LeftBackward: 63 * calibrate factor RightBackward: 63
Turn Right LeftFoward: 127* calibrate factor RightFoward: 63
Turn Left LeftFoward: 63 * calibrate factor RightFoward: 127

PWM Frequency

The default PWM frequency generated by the Artemis is 490 Hz[2], while the upper limit frequency for the motor driver is 50 kHz[1]. By manually configuring the timers to generate a faster PWM signal, we are able to make the motor spin faster.

Speed Range

I wrote a program that ramps down in speed. In one loop, analog values for the motors are from 240 t0 0 with interval 20. Each speed stays for one second. Distances are gotten from the ToF sensor and the time during measurements are stored in arrays. Once a single loop ends, those values will send to my laptop through Bluetooth. My code is attached below.

while (central.connected()) {
    for(int i = 0;i < 11; i++){          
        // get distance and time
        distanceSensor1.startRanging();  // Write configuration bytes to initiate measurement
        distances[i] = distanceSensor1.getDistance(); // Get the result of the measurement from the sensor
        time_record[i]=millis();  // Get current time

        // change motor speed
        analogWrite(LeftFoward, PWM_Left[i]);
        analogWrite(RightFoward, PWM_Right[i]);

    analogWrite(LeftFoward, 0);
    analogWrite(RightFoward, 0);
However, I found that, in this way, the travel distance will be too long. At least much longer than the maximum distance of 360 cm for the ToF sensor even in the long-distance mode. Additionally, the Bluetooth will be disconnected and I am not able to get the data feedback. Therefore, this plan failed.

Actually, the minimum speed must be zero and we just need to get the highest. I made the car run at full speed, which is a 100% duty cycle, and lasted for one second. During that time, distances and interval time are recorded. Here is the related code.
int leftMotorCalibrate;
analogWrite(LeftFoward, 200+leftMotorCalibrate);
analogWrite(RightFoward, 200); 
if (currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) {
    previousMillis = millis();

According to my tests, the highest speed is around 5.69 m/s.


[1]DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Documentation.
[2]Arduino Function: analogWrite()

Posted by Lanyue Fang on Mar 7, 2022