Lab6 Closed-loop control (PID)

Get experience with PID control!

Maintain a Constant Orientation

In this lab, I used PID CONTROL to maintain the car in set orientation. For the first part, I implemented a controller maintaining a constant orientation even when the robot is kicked. For the second part, the car was able to move forward until a new orientation, such as 180 degrees, was sent, then turning and driving towards that direction. Here are the process and details of my experiment.

Parts Required

1 x R/C stunt car
1 x SparkFun RedBoard Artemis Nano
1 x USB cable
2 x Li-Ion 3.7V 400 mAh (or more) battery
2 x Dual motor driver
2 x 4m ToF sensor
1 x 9DOF IMU sensor
1 x Qwiic connector

Part1: Stationary Car

Debugging Data

To get the data feedback, I created a struct named debugData, storing the setpoint, current roll angle, angle error, timestamp and the motor offset.

struct debugData{
    int setpoint;
    float angle_roll;
    float error;
    unsigned long timestamp;
    int motor_offset;      
The size of the debugData is 16 bytes. A debugDate array is used to record all the information. Here, the array size is 1000 and will take up 16 kB memory.

const int MAX_DATA_SIZE=1000;
debugData datas[MAX_DATA_SIZE];

Bluetooth Commands

As shown in below, I created several Bluetooth commands to conrtol the robot.

enum CommandTypes
The robot controller will start and stop once BEGIN and STOP commands are sent to the Artemis over Bluetooth. KP value is able to change by the executing ble.send_command(CMD.SEND_P, "1"), so that I can update the gains without reprograming the Artemis. Similarly, SEND_GOAL is used to set the orientation.

Once the Artemis received the command GET_ARRAY, function write_data() will be called and start to send debugging datas to the computer. Thanks for the ESTRING.h, the recorded datas can be converted into ESTRING datatype and be sent over bluetooth. Here is the related code.


    for(int i=0; i < datas_index; i++){
        tx_estring_value.append(" setpoint: ");
        tx_estring_value.append(datas[i].setpoint);tx_estring_value.append(" ");
        tx_estring_value.append(" roll: ");
        tx_estring_value.append(datas[i].angle_roll);tx_estring_value.append(" ");
        tx_estring_value.append(" error ");
        tx_estring_value.append(datas[i].error);tx_estring_value.append(" ");
        tx_estring_value.append(" timestamp: ");
        tx_estring_value.append(float(datas[i].timestamp));tx_estring_value.append(" ");
        tx_estring_value.append(" motor_offset: ");
        tx_estring_value.append(float(datas[i].motor_offset));tx_estring_value.append(" ");  
In the jupyter notebook, I created a notification handler to received the string type data consistently.

PID control

I implemented the PID control in the main loop. Once the BEGIN command is sent the PID control will begin. The Artemis will get the gyroscope data, calculate the roll angle and motor offset if the IMU sensor data are ready. Otherwise, it will just skip all those things.

As for the motor offset, it should be in the range of 0 to 255. Therefore, if the motor offset is less than zero, we should create PWM waves on the pins for the motor moving backward. If the motor offset is greater than 255, we should set it equal to 255.

Here is the related code.

if(WAKE && datas_index < MAX_DATA_SIZE){
    if (myICM.dataReady()){
        // get angle(roll) from the gyro and time
            float dt;
            float wx;

        // Using PID to control the motors
        float error;
        int motor_offset;




Here, I only used P control and it was enough. I found the robot performed pretty well when the KP was 8. The demo video is attached following.

Part2: Mobile Car

In this part, the car is going to move forward until a new orientation is sent, then turning and driving towards that direction.

In the jupyter notebook, I used the following code to send commands and get debugging data. The set orientation is zero at the beginning and the car will move forward for one second. Then the setpoint will be changed to 180 degrees by the command. The car will stop after two seconds and receive the debugging data arrays.

I used the P control first. When KP is larger than 0.8, the car will drift more than 180 degrees. However, the feedback roll angles are around 180 degrees and thus the motor offset is small and the car keeps moving forward instead of adjusting orientation. I guess this is because the car turns too fast and the gyroscope misses something.

I tried smaller KP but found another problem. For example, when I set the KP to be 0.75 or less, the gyroscope is able to get right angles. However, in such a situation, the motor offset is not big enough to make the car change orientation. For example, when the roll angle is 190 degrees, the motor offset will be KP * error = 0.75 * 10 = 7.5. My car will go straight with such offset. I guess it is related to the coasting mode. In the last lab, I tested the deadband of the motors and found that when just one motor was spinning at a low speed, the car was able to move straight on the ground.

Robby suggested I change the sampling rate of the IMU sensor. The default full scale setting of the gyroscope is 250 degrees per second, which is not enough. After modifying it to be 1000 degrees per second, the gyroscope is able to get right angles when spinning quickly and the problem is solved. Here is the related code.

ICM_20948_fss_t myFSS; // This uses a "Full Scale Settings" structure that can contain values for all configurable sensors
myFSS.g = dps1000; // (ICM_20948_GYRO_CONFIG_1_FS_SEL_e)
myICM.setFullScale((ICM_20948_Internal_Acc | ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr), myFSS);
I used P and D control together. In the demo video, the KP is 1 and KD is 0.1.

Below are the roll angles and errors when the PID was implemented.

To avoid the deadband, I set the range of motor offset to be [120,250]. The following figure shows the how motor offsets changed.

Posted by Lanyue Fang on Mar 14, 2022